Thursday, December 20, 2007

Living for Christ Chapters 8-9

According to Paul, what do mature Christians know about food sacrificed to Idols?

What does Paul say about what is more important than exercising freedom that comes from knowledge ?

What " knowledge" or freedom that you currently enjoy would you be willing to give up in order to not destroy a weaker brother ?

What responsibility does a mature believer have to an unbeliever?

Read 9:1-18

What apostolic rights had Paul given up? ( 9:4-5, 11-2, 14, 18)

Read 19-27

What practical choices have you made that might be hindering the gospel?

What does Paul give up freedom to live what lifestyle he prefers?

Are there any ajdustments that you may need to make in order to reach people in your sub-culture?

Read 9:24-27

How are we like athletes in training?

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I Corinthians 7

We will be studying parts of chapter 7

THEME: Christians in Corinth were surrounded by sexual temptation. The city had a reputation even among pagans for sexual immorality and religious prostitution. Paul was delivering these instructions on sex and marriage. They needed special, specific instructions because of the culture's immoral standards. Some believers were teaching total abstinance within marriage due to a belief it was sinful. Others were teaching or proposing separation from or divorcing spouses in order to stay pure. It seems Paul is more concerned with living in accordance with God's will, therefore shying away from absolutes where one might want to pin Him down.

Read through the chapter. Pauls talks of sex, marriage, divorce. immorality. But His theme is much more significant.

Read Verses 1-9

Verse 1 Tells us that Paul is now in question answering mode:

As you read the chapter, before class, look to a common theme. Sort of come prepared to "title the chapter."

?'s For tomorrow

1. What is Paul's view of celibacy, and why is it not prctical for most people?

2. What advice does Paul give to unmarried and married involvong immorality?

3. What view of women does Paul seem to have?

Read 10-16

4. Why might Christians be tempted to divorce a non- Christian, why should they not?

5. What does it mean when Pauls says that one spouse is sanctified by other? , could it mean salvation? ( 7:16) Moral Influence, Overflow of blessings ?

6. " Holy" in verse 14, as it related to the children? What does this mean ?

7. How does, " Live in Peace" contribute to overall theme?

8. Verse 16 gives us a picture of the heart of_____?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

1 Corinthians Chapter 5 & 6

Something to consider.

Why do you suppose Paul just spent the first 4 chapter of 1 Corinthians discussing mostly theological matters?

Read 1 Corinthinians 5:1-8

1. What was the society and the church like ?

2. Verse 2-5 How is Paul's strategy designed to bring health to the church and the individual?

Read 5:9-13

Why is tolerating and associating with immoral people in the church more dangerous than keeping company with immoral people in secular society?

Read 6:1-11

What are the guidlines for dealing with disputes between Christians?

Why does he warn us of being decieved in verse 9

Read 6:12-20

How do the ideas found in these verse contrast with a modern view of our bodies?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

1 Corinthians 3:5-23

Please read the above text. If you have time, answer a ? or two.

What 2 illustrations does Paul use to describe himself and Apollos? ( vv. 6-9, 10-15)

In each of these 2 illustrations what does Paul compare the church to?

Verse 5, What task have you been given in the garden of God's church?

3:10-15. How is the church like a building under construction?

What does it mean to be careful how one builds? ( 10-11)

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

John the Baptist

I was reading in John the other day, and I came across something interesting? In chapter 1 we are introduced to John the Baptist. In 1:27 He says he is not even worthy to untie the shoe of Jesus. Remember John the baptist was sent to "pave the way" for Jesus. He had his disciples and was out baptising people with water. In chapter 3 :28, he says" I am not the Christ, but have been sent ahead of Him." In 3:30, he says something interesting," He must increase, but I must decrease". I have to admit, if you would have asked me who's quote that was, I might have said Paul. This got me to thinking, In my life do I recognize that ever so important reality? " I must decrease, and He must increase" Our lives are intended to glorify God, to spread His word and be used to grow His Kingdom. I, we, must do what we can to ensure we are decreased. We need to always be "redirecters". as was John the Baptist. He was "sent ahead", as in a way we are as well. We are Christ's ambassadors. What am I doing, what are you doing, that might "decrease yourself" as such that Christ is "increased"?

Pastor Greg

1 Corinthians 2:1-3:4

Please read the passages and look at some or all of the ?'s. An in depth study of all of the ?'s is not necessary. We just would like opportunity for group discussion.

? of the week
Has Christianity challenged you to think differently?

Ch. 2 1-5

Why did Paul not rely on his communication skills?

Have we sold out in any way in the way we choose to spread the gospel?

Ch 2 6-16

How is God's wisdom different than ours? And what does Paul mean by " hidden wisdom" ?

How could we know or understand something that was hidden ?

How does the person without the Spirit differ from the one with the Spirit?

Ch 3 1-4
Even though the Corinthians had the Spirit, why could they not be considered spiritual?

Based on the passage 2:1-3:4, how would you define spiritual maturity?

Friday, October 26, 2007


How could we have forgotten Delilah?
Remember to check out the info in Bulletin for next Week's new series, This series may have a bit of homework! Not alot, but hopefully we will grow in the Lord from it!

Scripture: Judges 16:4-30

1. Why was Delilah so willing to betray Samson? Why do you think Samson played along with her false answers?

2. In reading through the passage, what do we learn about Samson and Delilah ?

3. How do you think Delilah wore Samson down, as such that He finally got him to tell her the truth?

4. ( Hard ? ) Do you see any characteristics in Delilah worth emulating? How about any characteristics in her that you find in yourself? Same for Samson?

5. According to verse 20, His strength left him. Why did Samson not realize it right away?

6. What can this story about Delilah teach us about God-- Our relationship to God?

7. Who finally wins in the story, despite all the details? What does this tell us about our God ?

Friday, October 19, 2007


Key Scriptures:

Acts 18:2-4, 18,24- 26
Romans 16:3-4
1 Corinthians 16:19
II Timothy 4:19

She and her husband, Aquila are tentmakers and teachers. Paul stays with them at Corinth. She teaches Apollos and becomes a great leader both at Corinth and Ephesus and later at Rome. In latter two places she has a church in her Rome. Claudius had forced Jews including Priscilla out of Rome with cruel treatment of Christians. Acts 12:2 ( James death)

In reading the passages, what do we learn from them regarding Priscilla?

Acts 18:26- What does this verse say about her level of Christian understanding.

Tertullias records, " By the holy Prisca, the gospel is preached." ( not scripture)

What does this tell us about God's view of women?

Read Acts 18:1-4. Why did Priscilla and Aquilla leave Rome and come to Corinth? What effect did the edict of Claudius have on the spread of the gospel?

18-19 Would you be willing to move if God told you to for the spread of the gospel?

I Corinthians 16:19 - When Paul had left, what did they do?

Read Acts 18:24-26 What wisdom can you gain from Priscilla and Aquila's example of quietly taking Apoloos aside to instruct him.

Read Romans 16:3-5

What did Priscilla and Aquila do for Paul.

Have you ever or would you ever risk your life to advance the cause of Christ?

What do we learn about
1. What God expects from us?
2. The kind of person God uses?
3. The character of God?

Friday, October 12, 2007


Read Acts 9:36-41

1. Describe what kinds of things you think Dorcas was probably doing 9:36 Compare with 10:38.

2. As you read through this short passage, what things jump out at you?

Read Acts 9:42

What sort of response did people have to Dorcas's miracle?

What specific things do we learn about God through the life of Dorcas?

Just wondering? Do you think that there could be a relationship between the "raising of Dorcas" and the plight of witnesses?

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Mary Magdalene

Read Mark 15:33-47
John 20:1-16

As you read these, meditate, ask God for something to share.

Read Luke 8:1–3.
What does the gospel writer tell us about Mary Magdalene? Remembering that seven was a number of completion or perfection, what might we understand about the nature of Mary’s condition?

What happened to Mary Magdalene when Jesus came into her life?

Jesus was extraordinary for having recruited and traveled with both female and male followers. Most of Jesus’ contemporaries would have been scandalized, as it was customary that women would travel only with their family. What kinds of sacrifices might Mary Magdalene have made to be one of Jesus’ disciples?

Read Mark 15:33–47.
How does the gospel writer portray the role of women during Jesus’ darkest moments?

Read John 20:1–18.
Biblical scholar C. H. Dodd once declared John 20 to be the most convincing proof of the gospel’s account of Jesus’ resurrection—why else would the author record that the Savior of the world first appeared to a nobody like Mary Magdalene? What does it say about Jesus’ view of women that he would appear to Mary Magdalene alone at the tomb?

Friday, September 28, 2007


Key Scripture:

Luke 2:36-38

Anna is the woman known as the first to claim Jesus as the Christ!

Despite strict Roman control and its strong empire that resisted the idea of a Messiah, Anna held firm to the prophesies of the Scripture.

What is Anna known as?

Describe briefly what we know about Anna ?

What did She believe?

Isaiah 32:1
Isaiah 11:1
Micah 5:2
Micah 4:1-4
Isaiah 2:2-4

It could be said that Anna believed, but she also_____? ( You fill in, we will discuss)

Although Anna would have not been allowed in the actual temple to worship God, she did not allow this to thwart her devotion and worship.

Read Luke 2:21-40
1. What does her lifestyle tell us about her and what about her life might we want to emulate?
2. What does her life tell us about what she believed about God?
3. What about your life reveals your Christian Commitment?
4. What did Simeon mean when he said, " a sword will pierce your soul?

Hosea 6:1-3 ( A quick Note )

Come, let us return to the LORD For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us. 2"He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day, That we may live before Him. 3"So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD His going forth is as certain as the dawn; And He will come to us like the rain, Hosea 6:1-3

Also it says in Acts that times of refreshing may come ftrom the presence of the Lord.

This is encouraging to me because I know that all I have to do is return and commit to the Lord. There are times when we all feel " Dried Up" " Used" " Worn Out" . We have a wonderful promise and as we press on to know Him, is presence will refresh us . I think many of us could use this is our lives.

Have a wonderful day- See some of ya Saturday and hopefully all of you Sunday.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Mary, the Mother of Jesus

Scripture to Read for Sunday:

Matthew 1:16, 18, 20
Matthew 2:11
Matthew 13:55
Mark 6:3
Luke 1:27,30,34,38,39,41,46,56
Mark 2:4,16,19,34
Acts 1:14

When reading Luke 1:34. what do you notice about Mary( 2 things) ? What about in Luke 1:35 ?

What does Mary's response to the pronounced will of God tell us of her character?

Read Luke 1:46, refered to as Mary's hymn of praise to God .

What does this say about her view of God?

Her view of scripture? Psalm 21-- 109

We will conclude with a look at Luke 2:1-7 , 41-52
( A Common story )

If time allows we will look at John 19:25-27

Friday, September 14, 2007

Women of the Bible- Esther

For Sunday Read Esther 1-10

In your reading examine at least one characteristic of each character:

1. Vashti
2. Xerxes
3. Esther
4. Mordecai
5. Haman

On Sunday perhaps you could share with whom you would identify the most of these 5 people.

1. Do you think Esther was in a position of authority by accident, or do you think God perhaps had a hand in it?

2. Have you ever been delivered from something?

3. What are some of the things evident in Esther's life that caused her to find favor with the people?

4. What does Esther 4:16 say about her character?

These are just a few things to get you started. I will be going back and posting the old lessons as soon as I can .

Have a great Saturday, see you Sunday.
Pastor Greg

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Rejoice in the Lord Always!!

Sunday School Online

I had one more thought, after this I am probably done. Since I am teaching Sunday School, I thought it would be great if I posted the passage and some of the ?'s on the blog-- What do you think?

The Faithful

I was reading in Oswald Chambers this a.m. He directed me to a passage where I had some of my own thoughts, imagine that!

Luke 18:7-8

7now, will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them?
8"I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"

This passage, in its context discusses persistence before the Lord. The crying day and night seems to speak of a faithful dependance on our God. While it may seem that God is slow to act, when we are diligant in pursuit of Him, He always is found faithful.

Verse 8 asks an interesting ? When He does come will He find you faithful? Wow! what a great ? I hope we can all answer Yes.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Service is Encouragement

This morning I was reading in Daniel, maybe you know the story in Chapter 6. Daniel was thrown into the Lion's Den. He was thrown in at the pressure of the "crowd" King Darius was tricked and eventually gave into the pressure. What really struck me as interesting is the faith King Darius showed. As you read the story note verse 16b, " The King spoke and said to Daniel, Your God whom you constantly serve will Himself deliver you."

I guess we never know what kind of witness we are, when we simply remain faithful. When we "constantly serve"

Also note how Daniel's faith rubs off on Darius as He fasts in verse 18 and in verse 20, When the Kings inquires as to whether Daniel's God has saved Him.

Lastly notice verse 26, King Darius makes a decree that all are to Worship the God of Daniel.
Darius claims, " For He is the living God and enduring Forever, And HIs kingdom is one which will not be destroyed, And His dominion will be forever. "

Remember God is always faithful, He always comes through. His Kingdom is built as His children are faithful to " Constantly serving"

Pastor Greg

Saturday, May 12, 2007


So, yes it has been a few days!! We are still waiting to get started on week #`3 in our study- We have been doing other things in Awana , so I will wait to post questions related to that. I do want to ask you to do something for Friday when we meet. Please do this everyday and lets talk about it on Next Friday. I will continue to post daily or every other day, but anyway here goes....
.....I Chronicles 4:9-10

Read This verse daily or more than once, then right some thought down- POST the thoughts and or write them on paper.Lets discuss what they mean and how praying this prayer might be a good thing-- OR NOT !!!
Pastor Greg

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

( Youth )

Read 1 John 4:16

Read it a 2nd time, What does it say about love?

Read it a third time, what does it say about trust?

Read it one last time, What does it say about how you live your life?

Read Psalm 139:1-6

How do you feel knowing God knows you this well ?

What part of you life do you hide from God that you could share with Him right now? ( This question, you can keep between you and God)

I would like to discuss this on Wednesday!! We will have our own fun, game time on Wednesday, please come prepared to discuss these ?' s And remember-

" God is good, All the time!"


I know this is late, Sorry!! I will explain later-

Anyway here goes, last week we talked about obstacles to getting or becoming close to God.

Here they are:

Hurry ( We are in such a rush)
Fury ( We are controlled by frustration and or anger )
Worry ( We worry about Everything)
Hearing ( We do nottake the time to listen)
Flirting ( We are simply distracted by things in life)
Sin ( We sin )n

Which one applies to you? The assignment is to think about it. Many of you have shared in one way or another. I just want you to think about it yourself. Talk to God. Even if you say, " I am far, and I do not care" TALK TO GOD"

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

(Youth) Psalm 46

Read Psalm 46 . There was a lot of chaos going on when this Psalm was written. Your life may not have the same kind of chaos-- tumbling into the sea and so on- but it probably does seem a little hectic from time to time.

Look again an verse 10 - The orders seem to be " Be still"

What does it look like for you to be still? Take a few minutes and try it . No music, no moving, no talking. Think of how God is your refuge and strength. It's hard to not let your mind wander, so say the verse again and again in your head. Try to listen to God. Write down and blog any comments that come to mind.

When you are done Read Psalm 46 once more, using it at the begininning of your prayer, and then specifically pray for God to help you overcome the factors that distract you from Him the most. ( Parents , this could be done by you as well)

Pastor Greg - We can discuss this on Wednesday .

Monday, April 23, 2007


I would like you to describe your relationship wih God right now!

Are you like a critic. a passive observer watching God from a distance?

Or a fan , cheering Him on but not getting personal?

Are you an acquantance, taking to God about shallow things?

Or are you a distant relative he sees only at Easter?

Are you a friend who visits once a week- or a best friend?

What is keeping you from moving closer?

Just answer these questions with one sentence or less!

Read 1 John 1:1-4, Please answer the ? " What does this passage say about Knowing God?

Check post tomorrow !! A prize awaits any person who responds twice!!!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Mountain Tops and Flatlands:
It is so easy to prize the peaceful times of private, direct communion with God. The disciples of Jesus had such an experience on the Mount of Transfiguration (Luke 9:27-36). So satisfied with the feeling was Peter that he suggested building three tabernacles and staying on the mountain top – while the routine of life went on below. Peter either had not fully learned or temporarily forgot that life is not lived on spiritual mountain tops, but on the day-by-day flat lands below. On the other hand, daily routine is lived poorly by those who have spent little time with God on the mountain top. So, here’s the strategy for living on the flat lands – divert daily, withdraw weekly to the mountain top and meet with God. When that becomes routine, the flat lands begin to look more heavenly.
by Dr Crawford at Swbts

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Read Luke 19:1-9


1. " What were Zacchaeus' priorities and goals as a tax collector before he encountered Jesus?

2. What kinds of blessings did Jesus bring instead?

3. What kinds of blessings do you assume you wil get out of life ?

4. DREAM BIG-- what more might God want to give you?

If you have a chance 2-3 times this week before Awana look these (and other daily ?'s) over and answer. This will make our conversations better and help us grow close to God.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hey, if you have a chance, click on the link There is a article written called , " A dispatch in South Africa" What a great testimony to the power of a seed planted by giving something free. God really works when we seek to show His love.
Pastor Greg

Matthew 6

We will be taking a look at Matthew 6 this Sunday. If you have a chance, take a look . We will be answering the ? " What does Jesus say about Prayer" So Read, meditate, and ask God to improve your prayer life. What a blessing it is that we GET to spend time in the presence of God, and this is because He wants us there.

Pastor Greg

Holy Spirit

Oswald said today that, " The Holy Spirit can not be a guest in a house" What a profound statement. This was said in the context of Him invading our whole being. He changes us from the inside out and does so completely. Have you and ( I ) yielded to Him in such a way that we are completely transformed to what He wants? This is not a one time question, but a process we are involved in.

We should pray that we welcome the work of God's spirit in our lives daily, hourly ect.....

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

In His Presence enough?

I was praying this morning. As usual , I was going through this list of requests, all good ones i'll admit. It occurred to be though, Is His presence enough? God tells us to make our requests, but I just wondered, for me, am I content to know His presence. I immediately recalled a verse, however I was not sure what that verse was, ( Does this ever happen to you?) So I combed the scriptures and in Jude I found a verse that really seemed to fit.

Jude 24-25, " Now to Him that is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen"

Wow! we get to stand in His presence. My mind finds it difficult to wrap itself around that truth, but just the knowledge that in His presence I am safe and secure, makes me want to stop and always make sure that I never leave His Hands.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

A Formula for Prayer

Jesus is Here (Matthew 18:19-20 )

Help me, Lord ( James 5:13-16)

Thank you , Lord ( Philippians 4:4-7)

Help my brother ( Mark 11:22-25)

This is one of many suggestions for guiding our prayer life. There really is no right way, this is just a suggestion. The key, I think is to place yourself( mindset) in the presence of God. Think of Christ as standing at your side, sharing your experience.

These ideas came from a book on prayer that I have been reading by Philip Yancey
"Prayer: Does it Make Any Difference"

Friday, March 02, 2007

This weekend, we will be asking the ? Who lives in you? What a great question for us to ponder. As I was studying this week for sermon, I noticed the calmness and confidence Micah has. In Chapter 7:7 He says, " But for me, I'm not giving up. I'm sticking around to see what God will do . I'm waiting for God to make things right. I'm counting on God to listen to me." Do we have that confidence? When everyone else around us fails and even, we have failed ourselves, God is there. Micah, walked so closely with God that he knew sticking around long enough, would be opportunity to see God at work. God works in His own timing, (don't we know that) Let's practice " sticking around" and " waiting" God will show up and as always will make things right.
Pastor Greg

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Personal Outreach idea

Try this !! Pray , pray , pray and then as you are going through a drive-thru like Taco Bell , after you pay for your meal, pay for the meal of the car behind you!! hand the drive- thru person a "connection card" This card would say something that shows that God loves them, but that we as a body we love them as well. The drive-thru person would give the card to the person in the car. This could be done periodically. Just start praying and see what amazing things God can do through a people that are sold out on serving Him.
I am reading a new book on Outreach that is full of these ideas, let me know if you would like to read when I am done.
Pastor Greg


I heard on a radioshow this week something very interesting. Someone said that if an individual makes $9000.00 a year in the United States,he is considered to be at poverty level. This still, they said places one in the top 12% of the richest people in the world. WOW!! We truly are blessed. As I thought about this it just reminded me of the charge by Paul to be always thankful. Also It made me wonder if I am doing enough to help the impoverished. What do you guys think?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Well, It has been a while since I have visited this site. First, I got busy, then computer issues and those are actually not fully resolved. You know they say that ittaked 6 weeks to develop a habit. As I was thinking about that it occured to me that it takes about a day to develop a bad one. I hope to keep this updated mor regularly. If anyone has any thoughts, prayer requests, or simply a question for me, feel free to do it on this site or e-mail me.
Pastor Greg

My Favorite Books

  • The Forgotten God
  • What is Reformed Theology
  • James Patterson Books
  • Communicating For Change
  • The Reformation Study Bible
  • The Best ? Ever