Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Upside

It's real easy to do things for people when there is an upside. When we know that we will be rewarded, even if that reward is simply recognition. It becomes less easy when we might face hardship, scrutiny, or even a considerable amount of pain or abuse. In order for this to be possible, we must have a clear view of the end in mind, we have to see that the immediate pain will be outweighed by a benefit for us. What was the upside for Jesus? He became sin and suffered the ultimate suffering for such sin. The upside is us! He was willing to suffer as much as He did for us. We were worth it ! Does that amaze you. It reminds me of the statement, " Jesus is the reason for the season" I guess if you think about it, that's not true. "We are the reason for the season" The reason Jesus came was for us. Of course Jesus is the reason for celebration, and that celebration can and should not be limited to any one season.

Thank you Jesus!!

Baptism of Jesus

I was reading in Mark this a.m. It has always interested me that Jesus needed to be baptized . The Jewish people had a similiar one-time washing of Gentile proselytes. This rite symbolized their embracing of true faith. This served as an admission that they needed to come to God through repentance and faith. I get that Jesus had no reason to repent for any sin that He himself committed, yet His submission to baptism one, confirmed the message that John the Baptist came preaching, but two, visibly demonstates His willingness to become sin for us----

'For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.' (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Galatians 3

Galatians 3:21-22, " Is the law then contrary to the promises of God? Certainly not! For if a law had been given that could give life, then righteousness would indeed be by the law"

In reading through Galatians, and especially This particular verse, it might be easy to conclude that the law is irrelevant for us today. But , Paul in Galatians only describes the law as it relates to our justification. He describes in great detail how the law was NEVER to be used by sinners to effect their own salvation..

The law was given to refute the idea that we can get right with Him by doing enough good to outweigh our bad. Verse 19 tells us that the law was added because of our transgressions.

I love what Luther says, "the law prepares a person for faith, as a "mirror that shows he is a sinner, guilty of death, and worthy of God's indignation and wrath." -- This is actually good news huh!! Its a good thing that our justification is not found in following the law, but in the finished work of Christ, who was tempted and yet did not sin.

Monday, February 09, 2009


Psalm 20: 7 says, " Some trust in Chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God"

Question: What is your chariot, and who are your horses? In what or in whom have you been placing your trust? Stop! " Remember the name of the Lord our God"

He can be trusted, He has shown himself faithful and trustworthy! My prayer today is that all of us would learn to trust him more daily-- Its a good thing He is patient huh?

Galatians 3:10

This morning I read Galatians 3:10, " For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, ' cursed be be anyone who does not abide by all things in the Book of the Law and do them'" (v.10)

At first this verse might discourage someone, especially if you do not understand the idea of justification. Paul is saying that all who "rely on the law" are still under the curse of sin. This curse of course introduced by Adam. When we choose to rely on the works of the law or rely on following all of the law as basis for our "rightness" or"righteousness", then we operate under that curse. It is not until we trust Jesus for our righteousness that we are OK before God.

All of us should be daily recognizing our inability to please God in ourselves, repenting of our sin, and looking to Jesus alone for our righteousness.

Now many who read this might say, " I did that" Know this, Yes we all do need to come to a point where we say " yes " to Jesus. This is the basis for our eternity, yet daily we must be reminded that not only are we saved by Jesus, but we are also to live daily on the basis of His righteousness. I do not think it is just me that needs to constantly return to Him claiming my dependence.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Super Bowl 2010

I just wanted to ensure everyone knew who would be in the Superbowl in 2010. Our first year in the new stadium should be a great year for that

Thoughts on Justification

I read this quote today in reference to Galatians 2:15-16.

" Faith does not merit God's acceptance;it accepts Christ's merit before God "

I just wanted to throw that out for your thoughts.

I just know that I am truly thankful that it is based on Christ's merit that I am justified before God, not based on my own merit.

So I wonder why do I try now to live based on my own merit?

Monday, February 02, 2009

I was reading this morning the passage that in 1 Corinthians about our bodies being the temple of the Holy Spirit. This reality has always been amazing to me, yet it has not always caused me pause before I act. So I started to wonder, do I live my life in this reality? I read a short story about a man who went to visit a great cathedral in New York. When He walked up to a shrine, around the neck of St. Joseph He saw a sine that read Do not worship here, this shrine is out of order.

So I wonder about my life, is there a sign around my neck? Do not expect to see Jesus here-- This shrine is out of order.

If indeed my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, then My worship to the Lord should be evident in my daily life. I need to make sure my shrine is in order-- I am to glorify God in my body and in my spirit which belong to God.

My Favorite Books

  • The Forgotten God
  • What is Reformed Theology
  • James Patterson Books
  • Communicating For Change
  • The Reformation Study Bible
  • The Best ? Ever