Friday, October 26, 2007


How could we have forgotten Delilah?
Remember to check out the info in Bulletin for next Week's new series, This series may have a bit of homework! Not alot, but hopefully we will grow in the Lord from it!

Scripture: Judges 16:4-30

1. Why was Delilah so willing to betray Samson? Why do you think Samson played along with her false answers?

2. In reading through the passage, what do we learn about Samson and Delilah ?

3. How do you think Delilah wore Samson down, as such that He finally got him to tell her the truth?

4. ( Hard ? ) Do you see any characteristics in Delilah worth emulating? How about any characteristics in her that you find in yourself? Same for Samson?

5. According to verse 20, His strength left him. Why did Samson not realize it right away?

6. What can this story about Delilah teach us about God-- Our relationship to God?

7. Who finally wins in the story, despite all the details? What does this tell us about our God ?

Friday, October 19, 2007


Key Scriptures:

Acts 18:2-4, 18,24- 26
Romans 16:3-4
1 Corinthians 16:19
II Timothy 4:19

She and her husband, Aquila are tentmakers and teachers. Paul stays with them at Corinth. She teaches Apollos and becomes a great leader both at Corinth and Ephesus and later at Rome. In latter two places she has a church in her Rome. Claudius had forced Jews including Priscilla out of Rome with cruel treatment of Christians. Acts 12:2 ( James death)

In reading the passages, what do we learn from them regarding Priscilla?

Acts 18:26- What does this verse say about her level of Christian understanding.

Tertullias records, " By the holy Prisca, the gospel is preached." ( not scripture)

What does this tell us about God's view of women?

Read Acts 18:1-4. Why did Priscilla and Aquilla leave Rome and come to Corinth? What effect did the edict of Claudius have on the spread of the gospel?

18-19 Would you be willing to move if God told you to for the spread of the gospel?

I Corinthians 16:19 - When Paul had left, what did they do?

Read Acts 18:24-26 What wisdom can you gain from Priscilla and Aquila's example of quietly taking Apoloos aside to instruct him.

Read Romans 16:3-5

What did Priscilla and Aquila do for Paul.

Have you ever or would you ever risk your life to advance the cause of Christ?

What do we learn about
1. What God expects from us?
2. The kind of person God uses?
3. The character of God?

Friday, October 12, 2007


Read Acts 9:36-41

1. Describe what kinds of things you think Dorcas was probably doing 9:36 Compare with 10:38.

2. As you read through this short passage, what things jump out at you?

Read Acts 9:42

What sort of response did people have to Dorcas's miracle?

What specific things do we learn about God through the life of Dorcas?

Just wondering? Do you think that there could be a relationship between the "raising of Dorcas" and the plight of witnesses?

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Mary Magdalene

Read Mark 15:33-47
John 20:1-16

As you read these, meditate, ask God for something to share.

Read Luke 8:1–3.
What does the gospel writer tell us about Mary Magdalene? Remembering that seven was a number of completion or perfection, what might we understand about the nature of Mary’s condition?

What happened to Mary Magdalene when Jesus came into her life?

Jesus was extraordinary for having recruited and traveled with both female and male followers. Most of Jesus’ contemporaries would have been scandalized, as it was customary that women would travel only with their family. What kinds of sacrifices might Mary Magdalene have made to be one of Jesus’ disciples?

Read Mark 15:33–47.
How does the gospel writer portray the role of women during Jesus’ darkest moments?

Read John 20:1–18.
Biblical scholar C. H. Dodd once declared John 20 to be the most convincing proof of the gospel’s account of Jesus’ resurrection—why else would the author record that the Savior of the world first appeared to a nobody like Mary Magdalene? What does it say about Jesus’ view of women that he would appear to Mary Magdalene alone at the tomb?

My Favorite Books

  • The Forgotten God
  • What is Reformed Theology
  • James Patterson Books
  • Communicating For Change
  • The Reformation Study Bible
  • The Best ? Ever