Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Most Excellent Way !

Love of Christ

January 29th, 2008

I Corinthians 13

1. What are you main impressions after reading the chapter as a whole ?

2. What is so tragic about using our gifts without love? ( 1-3)

3. Who would you define each of love's quallities ? ( 4-7)

4. In verses 8-13. Paul summarizes the supremacy of love. Compared with love, why do gifts have limited value?

5. How is love greater than faith and hope? (13)

Friday, January 18, 2008

I Corinthians 12


How do you respond when you are told that you have a gift or a talent vitally needed by the group to which you belong?

Read I Corinthians 12

What words or phrases do you see repeated in this chapter ?

What particular problem in the Corinthians church may have led Paul to offer the "test" in verse 3 ?

What do verse 4-6 teach about unity and diversity of spiritual gifts?

What might make some members of the church feel useless or envious of other parts of the body?

According to Paul, how can we make every part of the body feel special ? ( 21-26)

What does the word( first, second, third and then mean)?

How do we reconcile Paul's exhortation to "eagerly desire the greater gifts" (31) with his earlier emphasis that God sovereignly assigns gifts?

Friday, January 11, 2008

I Corinthians 11

1. When you enter a worship service, do you tend to think mainly of your personal relationship with God or your relationship with fellow worshipers? Which one is right or both?

Read I Corinthinians 11:1-16

1. What seems to be Paul's primary concern in this section ?

2. In verse 3. What understanding of headship should we have? "chief" or " source" ?

3. Why was it wrong for a man to pray or prophesy with his head covered? ( 4-10)

4. How easy or difficult is it to forget who you are when you enter to worship ?

5. In verse 4-10 and 13-16, what reasons does Paul give for continuing the practice of women covering their heads?

6. 11-12. " In the Lord" Why is this an important distinction ?

7. How should appropriate relationships between men and women be expressed in Christian Community ?

If time allows we will discuss Communion?

Friday, January 04, 2008

Read I Corinthians 10

Read Chapter 10:1-13

1. What experiences did all the Israelites have in common when they left Egypt and headed for the promised land?

And Why was God not pleased with them?

2. Why do you think that Paul reminded them of these events ?

3. Has there been a time in your life that you " Grumbled"- Did you become aware that you were testing God?

4. True or False: Some temptations are just to strong to resist?

Read 10:14-22

1. Why are some lifestyles incompatible with celebrating Communion?

2. What does Paul teach us concerning the sacredness of the Lord's Supper?

Read I Corinthians 10:23-33

1. According to these verses, what principles should guide our behavior as Christians?

Evaluate: " The Christian is is most free lord of all , subject to none. The Christians is a most submissive servant, subject to all." -- Martin Luther

My Favorite Books

  • The Forgotten God
  • What is Reformed Theology
  • James Patterson Books
  • Communicating For Change
  • The Reformation Study Bible
  • The Best ? Ever